10. Hardening time of Self-curing resin for Installing Magnets and Removing Denture

S.Endo1, T.Ishigami1, 2, K.Miyata1, H.Toyoma1, 2, M.Tsuyumu1, and T.Azuhata1

1Department of Partial Denture ProsthodonticsNihon University School of Dentistry, Japan

2Division of Clinical Research, Dental Research Center, Nihon University School of Dentistry, Japan


The self-curing resin is widely used for installing a magnet into the denture base. Ideally, after the resin have completely hardened, the denture with the magnet is taken out the intraoral. The self-curing resin that flow into undercuts may cause difficulty in removing the denture. On the other hand, because the polymerized resin have insufficient hardness, magnets cannot be fixed adequately. In this study, we evaluated the optimal hardening time of the self-curing resin for installing a magnet and removing the denture safely.

Materials and methods

1. Production of resin block

For the production of a resin block, a gypsum spacer (GC, Tokyo, Japan) was adhered to the base of a rubber frame and then the self-curing resin (UNIFAST III LIVE PINK, GC) was filled on top of the rubber frame. After the self-curing resin have hardened, the resin block was taken out the rubber frame, and a spillway was made (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1


2. Installing the magnets

A retentive force testing jig was made using a linear ball slide (THK Company, Tokyo, Japan) set on a universal testing machine (Ez-test, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) (Fig. 2). A keeper was attached to the acrylic prism of the jig traction compartment and then the magnet was adsorbed to the keeper. The fabricated resin block was bonded to another acrylic prism of the jig fixation compartment. Thereafter a self-curing resin was brushed-on to the resin block and the magnet was then installed. The cross-head speed was 100mm/min to remove the keeper (Fig.3).

                    Fig. 2                                       Fig. 3


3. Experimental conditions

Five samples of each of three sizes of magnets (GIGAUSS D400, D600 and D800, GC) were used and each magnet was measured five times in this study. The magnets were installed for 40, 50 or 60 seconds. Moreover, 9 removal times (90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160 and 170 seconds) were evaluated. The measurements of installing and removal times were started after the self-curing resin was brushed-on (Fig. 4).


Fig. 4


4. Feasibility of installing the magnet and removing the resin block

The three conditions considered to cause failure of setting a magnet are as follows:   

(1) The magnet is left on the keeper at the time of keeper removal.

  (2) Hardening of the self-curing resin is incomplete.

  (3) The magnet is not installed in a good position.

Measurement of retentive force was performed at a 5 mm/min of the cross-head speed, except under the three conditions mentioned above. The retentive force stated by the manufacturer was considered to be the index of the success or failure of assessing installing feasibility.

Results and Discussion

Figures 5, 6 and 7 show the number of success in installing the magnets and its relationship to removal time. The most successful timing for installing the three types of magnet tested was 50 seconds, and the adequate removal times were 130 seconds for D400, 140 seconds for D600 and 160 seconds for D800. Resin hardening was incomplete at the time of magnet installation of 40 seconds. There was also a case in which resin stiffened at a magnet installation time of 60 seconds.


Fig. 5


Fig. 6


Fig. 7


The optimal time for installing the magnet was 50 seconds, and the adequate removal times were 130 seconds for D400, 140 seconds for D600 and 160 seconds for D800. In the case of installing a magnet with strong attractive force, a tendency for a longer removal time was noted.


This study was supported in part by Grant from Dental Research Center, Nihon University School of Dentistry.


1.  S. Nakabayashi, Regarding relations between the amounts of cold-curing resin used for attaching a magnet structure and suction power, JJ Mag Dent 14(5):14-17, 2005

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