General Information              

The Japanese Society of Magnetic Applications in Dentistry (President: Shuji Ohkawa, Meikai University) is a scientific association founded in 1991 and is devoted to furthering the application of magnetism in dentistry. The 17th International Conference on Magnetic Applications in Dentistry organized by JSMAD will take place on the Internet as follows.

Meeting Dates:

Monday, February 26 to Friday, March 16, 2018


JSMAD web site:

General Chair:

Assoc. Prof. Yukyo Takada, Tohoku University


Researches and developments related to dentistry and magnetism such as:

  • Magnetic attachments for dentures

  • Orthodontic appliances using magnets

  • Measurement of jaw movement using magnetic sensors

  • Biological effects of magnetic fields

  • Dental applications of MRI

  • Others

Registration Information            


Send e-mail (to ) titled "registration for 17th international conference" with your Name, University or Institution, Postal address, Phone, Fax and E-mail address to conference secretariat.

Registration Fees:

No registration fees. Anyone who is interested in magnetic applications in dentistry can participate in the conference via the Internet.

Publishing Charge for Proceedings:

After the conference, the proceeding will be published. The publishing charge is 10,000 yen per page. (No charge for invited paper.)


Guidelines for Presentation          


Entry:  January 26, 2018

Poster submission: February 16, 2018


Send Title and Abstract within 200 words with your Registration.

Paper submission:

Please send papers in Microsoft Word format to the conference secretariat by E-mail. All contents should be written in English. No multi-byte character, such as Japanese Kanji, should be contained. A template file can be obtained from the conference web site. Web presentations for the conference will be produced by the secretariat from the paper. The secretariat will not make any correction of the paper even miss-spelling, grammatical errors etc. Alternative format files are acceptable. Please contact to the secretariat for more detailed information.


Discussions will be done using a bulletin board on JSMAD Web Site via the Internet. The authors should check the board frequently during the meeting dates. If questions or comments on your presentation are posted, please answer them as soon as possible.

Notice to Contributors:

Freely-given informed consent from the subjects or patients must be obtained. Waivers must be obtained for photographs showing persons.


Copyright of all posters published on the conference will be property of the Japanese Society of Magnetic Applications in Dentistry. Copies of the posters will be made and transferred to JSMAD web site for continuous presentation after the meeting dates.

For further information,

send e-mail to


Template file.doc

Conference Secretariat           

Masatoshi Takahashi, Tohoku University


Tel: +81-22-717-8317