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 Session 4Chair: Yoshinori Nakamura (Aichi-Gakuin University )




A case report of a removable denture using magnetic attachments for mandibular molar missing with a decreased occlusal vertical dimension


R. Negoro, M. Sone, F. Okutsu, T. Kusano, T. Matsukawa, Y. Toyota, S. Yorichika, K. Okamoto and S. Ohkawa

Division of Prosthodontics, Department of Restorative and Biomaterials Sciences, Meikai University School of Dentistry


To maintain a harmonious craniofacial system, it is essential to establish an appropriate occlusal vertical dimension (OVD). This clinical report describes our establishment of an apporiate OVD for a patient ( Eichner B3: mandibular molar missing) with a decreased OVD to restore aesthetics and function by the use of magnetic attachment. For restoration of the upper teeth, a removable overlay denture with coping type of magnetic attachment and horseshoe plate was fabricated. For restorationof the lower teeth, a removable partial denture with extracoronal type of magnetic attachment and porcelain fused to metal crown was fabricated. Magnetic attachment could be provided a means for alleviating to patientfs concerns regarding aesthetics and functions.