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Paper ID S005 : A case report of a removable denture using magnetic attachment and circumferential clasp followed up for 9 years

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Shin-ichi Masumi (Kyushu Dental University )

Thank you for your wonderful presentation.
I was impressed with the beautiful work. I was impressed that the postoperative perio control was also done properly.

Mineyo Sone (Meikai University )

Dear Prof. Masumi, thank you for your wonderful commentary. I think maintenance is important for overdentures, not just magnetic attachments. I would like to continue to treat patients without changing their policies.

Eri Makihara (Kyushu Dental University )

Thank you very much for wonderful presentation.
Your case was good controlled without big problem so long time.

Kazuhiro Nagata (Nagaoka Dental Comunications )

Thank you for the informative presentation
I have a question. In this case, why did you use the extracoronary magnetic attachment instead of the normal magnetic attachment in the 26 ?

Isn't it easy to manage periodontal disease with the usual type of magnetic attachment?

Mineyo Sone (Meikai University )

Dr. Makihara, thank you for your wonderful comment.
I think it's because the patient kept his promise to go to the hospital regularly despite the horror of COVID-19.

Kazuhiro Nagata (Nagaoka Dental Comunications )

Sorry, the post was in the wrong place
Number 4 was appropriate  

This bulletin board is opened from March 14th, 2022 to March 28, 2022.