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Paper ID S004 : The usefulness of the test procedure for measuring retentive force of dental magnetic attachment as stipulated in ISO 13017 standard

Posted Messages (Last post: Fri Mar 11 09:41:40 2016)
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Tetsuo Ohyama (Nihon University School of Dentistry )

I have a question about the languages that were used in the experiment.
Which language was used at the discussion and demonstrations?
Japanese? or English?

Masatoshi Takahashi (Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry )

Thank you for your question. We used the Japanese language for the Japanese and used the English language for the foreigner.

Tetsuo Ohyama (Nihon University School of Dentistry )

Thank you for your presentation. I have a question.
What do you think of the reason for the accuracy is not good?

Tetsuo Ohyama (Nihon University School of Dentistry )

I'm sorry.. Wrong room here..
Please ignore!

Tetsuo Ohyama (Nihon University School of Dentistry )

Is there no difference between the use of language?
Because, ISO document is written in English..

Masatoshi Takahashi (Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry )

There was no difference between the use of language, in this study. We concluded that the ISO was a useful guide, if a first time user (any native languages) could read English.

This bulletin board is opened from February 29th, 2016 to March 18th, 2016.